We started a business in Brad's bedroom (after all, he had all the equipment!) making recordings for anyone who would pay us, and for a lot of people who didn't! Eventually (1978) we moved into this old house on N Salisbury Street in beautiful West Lafayette, Indiana, and moved what we were now referring to as our "studio" into the basement. It was here that the legendary recordings of Dow Jones and the Industrials, and many other punk bands were made, mostly by Brad, as I was busy creating sound scores for theatre productions. A live concert made in our basement featuring the Gizmos at one of our somewhat infamous house parties is available here: The Gizmos Go to Purdue. DowJones, the bass player for the band became famous as the president of the Purdue Student Body.
The band created quite a commotion on the old West Lafayette Campus, and became so notorious that the first album, Hoosier Hysteria was positively reviewed in Billboard, Cream, etc. We made enough money from the profits from that album to buy a 1/2" 8 track tape recorder. The fame of the band also generated a great amount of business for our studio, and, for a while we were the place in the Midwest for punk bands to make albums. These included The Dancing Cigarettes, The Jetsons, The Last (4) Digits, The Panics, The Torpedoes, Amoebas in Chaos and a legendary compilation album of Indiana bands called Red Snerts....NEXT