We made a couple of albums, the first called Longfields, and the second called October Nights before the band split up, and Carrie went on to launch her own solo career. We made one last album together, Visions and Dreams, which was eventually re-released by Rounder Records on its Philo Label.
In 1986 I made another connection which was to form the foundation for a new era at Zounds Productions. I received a call from the Colorado Shakespeare Festival asking me to create a sound score for a production of Shakespeare's King Lear. A decade later, it became something of a habit for me to create a score for a show out there every other year or so, and these include Titus Andronicus (1988), Much Ado About Nothing (1990), The Rivals (1992), Twelfth Night (1994), and A Midsummer
Night's Dream (1996). It's one of the premiere Shakespearian summer festivals in the country, so if you're ever in Bolder in July or August, make sure to stop by and see a show!
I've never lost my love of creating theatre pieces from scratch. We used to torment parents when we were kids with our backyard "shows" that included everything from really bad plays to circuses and car-nivals, and big time spectacles such as the annual 4th of July sparkler display (the parents would have to sit up on the roof and I would get all of the neighborhood kids to simultane-ously light sparklers in the shape of flags and stars, etc.). In high school, I created my own version of Romeo and Juliet called, I'm embarrassedto say, Romeo and
Juliet A-Go-Go....NEXT